Head of State chairs meeting to review and complete certain provisions of Commercial Code


President Kais Saied chaired a meeting at Carthage Palace on Friday to review and complete certain provisions of the Commercial Code relating to the legal system of cheques, in addition to the draft law amending Article 411 of the Commercial Code, which is currently before the Assembly of People's Representatives. The President of the Republic reiterated the need to achieve the desired balance between all parties and to allow those who have been convicted or are on the run a reasonable period of time to regularise their situation, according to a statement from the Presidency. "In addition to allowing debtors to recover their money, this draft will not only have a positive impact on creditors and debtors, but will also increase the security of cheque transactions and improve banking practices in order to achieve economic development and social justice," the statement quoted the Head of State as saying. "Prisons and flight are not the solution and neither SMEs nor the economy can thrive under the current unj ust legal system, which it is time to put an end to once and for all," he added. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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