Ouagadougou: Fanta Jolie Mousso, Burkinabè for three years and very active on social networks, likes the paintings on the walls of the Kassena concessions, in particular the walls of the royal court of Tiébélé or the refuge hut from Binger particularly for their authenticity and naturalness. Invited to take part in the tourist tour to Nahouri, organized on August 17 and 18 by the Minister in charge of Tourism, she said she was impressed by the curves and colors of the decorations which adorn the walls of the royal court of Tiébélé and 'Binger's hut' She thinks that the Royal Court of Tiébélé which has just been listed as a UNESCO universal heritage site is very attractive because the paintings are authentic and traditional, in a world there is 'too much modernity' 'Many people are looking for something traditional, original,' she said from the site of 'Binger's case' in the village of Tiakané, 7 kilometers west of Pô. She promised to broadcast on her networks the images she captured from this tourist excu rsion to Nahouri and hopes that many other eyes will marvel at the sight of the images of the Kassena murals. Source : Burkina Information Agency
African health ministers, delegates adopt declaration on climate change and health
Harare: The adoption of the Harare Declaration by health ministers and delegates from 20 African