BCT issues memo to set out terms and conditions for using IBRD loan


The Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT) said it had issued, last September 8, memo No. 2023-29 to banks and leasing companies setting out the terms and conditions for using and repaying the pound 115.6 million credit line granted by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) to the Tunisian government. The BCT further indicated that this loan granted by virtue of an agreement inked last February 10 between the Tunisian authorities and IBRD to fund the project "Support to Small and Medium Enterprises for Economic Recovery." The project aims to address the primary long-term liquidity constraints faced by Tunisian firms by financing long-term lines of credit. This loan includes pound 23.7 million to be used to reschedule existing loans of viable SMEs to longer maturities to ease their debt burden, pound 90.5 million to provide new long-term loans to viable SMEs and pound 1.5 million dedicated to project implementation support, monitoring, and evaluation.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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