Case of conspiracy against state security: Court of Appeal rejects 6 requests for releaseA total 112 to contest district level elections in Bia West District


The chamber specialising in terrorism cases at the Tunis Court of Appeal, on Thursday, rejected requests for the release of 6 detainees in the "case of conspiracy against state security", court spokesman Habib Torkhani said. In a statement to TAP, Torkhani pointed out that contrary to rumours circulating on social media, the chamber held its session at the usual time to review a number of pending cases and decided to reject five requests for release and one appeal against the decision to ban certain defendants in the case from appearing in public places. Torkhani said the Chamber will consider another request for release in the same case next Thursday. It will also consider an appeal against the extension of a pre-trial detention. TAP was unable to contact members of the defence team to get their reaction to the case. Politicians, lawyers, businessmen and academics have been arrested in connection with this so-called conspiracy against state security. The wave of arrests began in February last year. Whe n questioned about this and other cases linked to terrorism and the sending of young people to fight in conflict zones, Minister of Justice, Leila Jaffel, insisted on the secrecy of the investigation. She stated that the arrests and the various judicial procedures were carried out in strict accordance with the law. Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse A total of 112 aspirants have successfully filed their nominations to contest for the December 19, District Level Elections (DLEs) in the Bia West District of the Western North Region. After close of nominations, 96 males and six females submitted their forms to contest in the 28 Electoral Areas within the District. In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Mr Akrofi Kubi, Bia West District Electoral Officer, said a total of 260 made up of 241 males and 19 females had also filed to contest as unit committee members. He gave the assurance that his outfit was ready for the election as they did not encounter any challenge during the filing of nominations. Source: Ghana News Agency

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