Local elections: full light on calendar [Upd 1]


President of the Independent High Authority for Elections (French: ISIE) Farouk Bouasker presented the calendar of the elections of local councils which first round is due next December 24.

ISIE Council approved Friday the election calendar, Bouasker Friday told a press conferencen in Tunis.

Preliminary results of the first round will be announced next December 27 at the latest. Ballots will be cast in 2,155 constituencies.

Final results will be proclaimed after the expiry of deadlines for lodging challenges, that is before January 27, 2024.

The automatic update of the electoral register will begin on September 23. Citizens who would have reached the age of majority on this date will be registered automatically.

Voters can update their polling centres within a timeframe of 53 days, ISIE President further said.

Updating can take place online on "Touenssa.tn" or by means of seeking the assistance of some 3,845 field staff deployed by the commission.

Candidate filing, Bouasker said, runs from October 23 to November 1. The definitive list of candidates will be released on November 28 after the consideration of legal challenges.

The election campaign is set for December 3-22; election silence will begin on December 23 and will continue until the last polling centre closes.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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