Observatory for Defence of Right to Difference presents its 2023 regular report


The 2023 report issued by the Observatory for the Defence of the Right to Difference noted several violations against the right to be different in Tunisia and the growing phenomenon of discrimination based on gender, socio-cultural, economic and even racial discrimination. The report was discussed, Saturday, in Tunis at a press conference held by the Observatory. It shed light on the causes of discrimination linked to the political, social and economic context in Tunisia. Recommendations were submitted to Tunisian authorities as well as national and international partners to prevent and combat discrimination while promoting equality and diversity in the country. According to the report, the current situation in Tunisia has made discrimination more prevalent, leading to a lack of confidence in the judicial system and raising concerns over the issue of human rights in the country. This situation has increased minority groups' vulnerability, including women and persons with disabilities, who suffer from neg lect and have trouble access justice, the same source adds. The report indicates that between July 2023 and October 2023, 363 cases of discrimination (racial and gender) were recorded, including 62 cases against people with disabilities and 86 cases of hatred through social media platforms. The physical space recorded 72.3% cases of discrimination compared to 27.7% in the online space. Executive Director of the Observatory Salwa Ghrissa called on the Presidency of the Republic to reconsider the old laws (namely the 2004 law), establish a legal framework for immigration which ensures fundamental rights as well as investigate allegations of violence and ill-treatment carried out by security forces during protests. She also stressed the need to ensure the implementation of Organic Law No. 2017-58 relating to the elimination of violence against women and Organic Law No. 2018-50 relating to the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination. She also called for accelerating the adoption of the bill on inher itance equality presented since 2018 and establishing of the Constitutional Court and consolidating the protection of rights and freedoms. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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