Tunisia records active women’s participation in various development processes (Moussa)


Tunis: Minister of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly Amel Belhaj Moussa said, on Friday, that Tunisia has recorded an effective presence and active participation of women in the various development processes. Chairing the closing workshop of the project on «Empowering Women for Leadership Roles in the Middle East and North Africa Region," the minister underlined that girls represent 70% of all higher education graduates and 69% of the total number of PhD students. She added that the presence of women in the teaching exceeded 50% compared to 49.3% in the field of sciences and 55% in scientific research. The minister recalled the active presence of women in the fields of judiciary and medicine with rates which exceed 50% while they represent 36% in leadership sectors. Moussa stressed that the closure of this project represents an opportunity to evaluate the work carried out in previous years, particularly with regard to the consolidation of the place of women in decision-making positions. The ministe r indicated that this meeting coincides with the preparation of the 6th report of the Tunisian Republic on the implementation of the Beijing action plan which includes in its 4th chapter the important steps taken by Tunisia in terms of women's participation in public life, decision-making and mechanisms for strengthening equality between the two genders. The Canadian ambassador to Tunisia indicated that Tunisian women have proven their ability to bring about change, stressing that the support provided by her country to this project aims to consolidate Tunisia's efforts in terms of equality and leadership as well as eradicate social gender stereotypes. She specified that Tunisian-Canadian cooperation includes several areas and is based on an efficient partnership with all establishments at the central and local levels. Regional Director of the Forum of Canadian Federations Leila Houaoui affirmed that this project, which was financed by the Canadian embassy, ??aims to increase women's participation in decisi on-making positions and ensure equal gender opportunities. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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